Crowe Malaysia Corporate Advisory

Corporate Advisory

We're set apart by our trained eyes for details, coupled with a success-driven passion to serve. Our professionals are well trained to take your business to the next level of growth.

Are you making the best decision for your company's future?

As a company journeys from a private company to a large company via organic growth, a listing on the stock exchange, mergers and acquisitions, or international operations, it will encounter challenges to grow and adopt regulatory improvements imposed by various national authorities. This is when corporate advisory services are much needed to guide the company to find its footing, enhance its effectiveness, accelerate its actions and guide it on corporate compliance.

The advice can relate to seeking a listing on a recognized stock exchange, restructuring of a company, valuation of a company for sale, or undertaking merger and acquisition activities. In the unfortunate event of a distressed situation, the company may need assistance on liquidation, judicial management or insolvency.

News & Insights

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Listing on Bursa Malaysia - 2024 IPO Highlights and Insights
Listing on Bursa Malaysia - 2024 IPO Highlights and Insights
Discover the benefits, process and costs of listing your company on Bursa Malaysia, inspired by 2024's record-breaking 55 IPOs.
PN17 – A Health Check, Medical Operation, ICU or Mortuary?
PN17 is a financial distress classification for Malaysian listed firms triggered by low equity or subsidiary winding up.
Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in a Bear Market
Should You Consider an IPO Under the Current Bearish Market?
Listing on Bursa Malaysia - 2024 IPO Highlights and Insights
Listing on Bursa Malaysia - 2024 IPO Highlights and Insights
Discover the benefits, process and costs of listing your company on Bursa Malaysia, inspired by 2024's record-breaking 55 IPOs.
PN17 – A Health Check, Medical Operation, ICU or Mortuary?
PN17 is a financial distress classification for Malaysian listed firms triggered by low equity or subsidiary winding up.
Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in a Bear Market
Should You Consider an IPO Under the Current Bearish Market?

Professional Affiliation

Notable Engagement
Past representation on the panel of Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad to act as Special Administrators, Independent Advisors, and Creditors' Agents
Notable Engagement
  • Appointments by most of Malaysia's major banks
  • In-depth experience in the Main and ACE Markets of Bursa Malaysia and the Stock Exchanges of Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and AIM, UK
  • More than 100 transactions involving businesses with revenue between RM10 million to RM100 million
  • Experience of taking 6 Malaysian companies to the AIM market
  • Independent Advisors for public listed companies seeking variations, ratifications, etc. and the two largest corporate and debt restructuring schemes of Malaysia
  • Receivership appointments over 2 highway concession operators and property development projects
  • Various due diligence assignments including large cross-border acquisitions
  • Maximised wealth for promoters, shareholders or investors in many corporate finance assignments, with substantial savings brought to our clients
  • Serviced clients throughout Malaysia and the Asia Pacific Region
  • Advised and completed debt restructuring schemes involving public and private companies

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Our Service Leader

Kien Hoe Onn
Location: Kuala Lumpur