Crowe Malaysia - Company Secretarial

Company Secretarial Services

Fulfill all your business compliance needs with our company secretarial services in Malaysia.

Whether your company is a newly established entity in Malaysia or an established company with many employees, it will require company secretarial services for maintenance of corporate secretarial records, advice on corporate secretarial matters and filing of statutory forms with the Companies Commission of Malaysia. We are able to assist with the following:

  1. New company setup 
    As part of our company setup services, we will do the following
    • Name search
    • Name reservation
    • Obtain Certificate of Incorporation
    • Prepare first Board of Directors resolution
    • Prepare resolution for opening of company’s bank account
    • Prepare name plate for display at Registered Office
    • Keep custody of common seal
    • Maintaining the Minutes and Register Books
    • Monitoring and ensuring compliance with relevant requirements particularly under the Companies Act
  2. Monthly secretarial retainer
    The retainer services are as follows:
    • Providing regular secretarial support
    • Prepare board or directors’ resolutions
    • Updating of registers and minute books
    •  Issuance of share certificates to shareholders
    • Preparation of minutes of meetings
    • Filing of statutory forms with the Companies Commission of Malaysia
    • Liaising with the relevant government authorities
  3. Nominee directors’ services
    • In the event that your company does not have a resident director as required by the Companies Act 2016, we are able to provide nominee director services for your entity.

Some of the services above may be provided by affiliated independent firms in the event Crowe is conflicted by the relevant Malaysian laws or MIA Ethics.



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