0% Tax Penalty SVDP 2.0 is back! Maximise Your Tax Amnesty Benefits

0% Tax Penalty! SVDP 2.0 is back!

Maximise Your Tax Amnesty Benefits

Location: Webinar
Start Date:

25/07/2023 10:00

End Date:

25/07/2023 12:00

0% Tax Penalty SVDP 2.0 is back! Maximise Your Tax Amnesty Benefits

Malaysia’s 2023 Budget tabled on 24 February 2023 by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, the Finance Minister introduced the SVDP 2.0 program for both direct and indirect taxes. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and understand how you may capitalise on SVDP 2.0 for you and your business.

Topics Covered:

  • Overall updates of the SVDP 2.0 programme on direct taxes including transfer pricing and indirect taxes
  • Opportunities to rectify past tax issues without incurring any penalties
  • Common tax pitfalls 
  • Current tax landscape

Join our highly sought-after session with Crowe’s Tax Experts, Ms. Wong Man Yee, Mr. Chong Mun Yew and Ms. Sylvia Song to gain invaluable insights into the latest tax trends and discover what businesses need to know fully to capitalise on SVDP 2.0.


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0% Tax Penalty SVDP 2.0 is back! Maximise Your Tax Amnesty Benefits
25 July 2023 | 10.00am - 12.00pm

Our Speakers

Our experienced tax professionals can help you tackle your most pressing tax challenges. Contact our Tax specialists today.
Wong Man Yee
Man Yee Wong
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Chong Mun Yew
Mun Yew Chong
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Song Sylvia
Sylvia Song
Location: Kuala Lumpur