The UK manufacturing sector has been a major contributor to the success and wealth generation of the UK economy, global development and influence, for centuries.

With 87% of our most recent survey respondents saying that ‘Government support for the sector is inadequate’. Ahead of the general election, we’ve created a ‘Manifesto for Manufacturing’; calling for better levels of support and a dedicated minister for the manufacturing industry.

Findings and recommendations

As strategic challenges, the following are identified as the key areas the sector needs to focus their attention:

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Since an organisation's ESG policies and actions grow more and more significant to investors, employees, customers, and the larger communities in which they operate, ESG is now unquestionably a topic on the boardroom agenda.

ESG areas that are most likely to have an impact on importers and exporters include:

Finding out what parts of your supply chain can be returned to the UK is a logical, if not always easy, place to start. We work hard to bring the manufacturing community together, to share ideas and foster collaborations.
It can be difficult to obtain materials ethically; examples of areas where manufacturers should conduct due diligence before sourcing overseas are contemporary slavery and human rights.
The UK aims to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050 and a 68% reduction in carbon emissions by 2023. Manufacturers will need to report their carbon footprint and identify potential areas for reduction.

With the knowledge and ability to tackle every situation, both domestically and globally, our manufacturing team works with a wide range of specialised advisors and businesses. Building long-term relationships is something we are proud of.