Does your financial spreading process leave unseen risk?

The commercial lending process devotes mountains of time and effort to employees hand-keying data, searching for statements, and passing around spreadsheets.

When each step demands a high-touch approach, the byproducts include potentially unreliable data and bottlenecks.

But what if there was a faster way to get precise information? Crowe CX for Financial Spreading is a technology solution that can help you consistently position your commercial lending process and portfolio management for success.
Automate your entire financial spreading process. 
Crowe CX for Financial Spreading can help you make better information available at the click of a mouse. 

Automated financial spreading can deliver stronger portfolio management.

Commercial lenders don’t need employees to dig through spreadsheets. Crowe CX for Financial Spreading uses our own patented technology to handle complex forms and poor scan quality more reliably than technology that relies solely on optical character recognition (OCR).

OCR technology purposefully centered around financial spreading can ingest information from any form, incorporate format changes, and decipher blurry or skewed inputs. But automated financial spreading isn’t just about accurately scanning documents.

Automation can transform your entire process to allow employees to build an on-time and complete picture of risk and borrower health.

Automation = quality + quantity.

Powered by the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ™ platform, our approach can deliver quality, up-to-date information as soon as a financial spread arrives. You can have informed conversations with commercial borrowers, without managing every step of the financial spreading process.

Focus on what matters

Optimize the way analysts work so their job starts at the review.

Stop worrying about throughput

Automate steps to reduce manual errors and inefficiencies. 

Spend less time managing the process

Minimize the need to adjust workforce for changes in volume.
Optimize the way analysts work so their job starts at the review.
Automate steps to reduce manual errors and inefficiencies. 
Minimize the need to adjust workforce for changes in volume.

When better information is automatic, insights come to the surface. 

Crowe CX for Financial Spreading can guide you to a consistent, scalable solution so you’re making stronger decisions faster.

Start the process faster 
Clear document expectations can help borrowers understand which forms to submit.
Start the process faster 
Make storage simple 
Automated sorting means organization happens instantly.
Make storage simple 
Get the right numbers each time 
Extract information from forms automatically.
Get the right numbers each time 
Label values consistently 
Map each amount without manual intervention.
Label values consistently 
Build confidence in the process 
A supporting Crowe review team will monitor for accuracy.
Build confidence in the process 
Make spreads easier to manage 
Rule- and role-based alerts let employees know when it’s time to work with a spread.
Make spreads easier to manage 
Stay on top of covenants 
Track borrowers lending agreements to provide analysts with broader insight.
Stay on top of covenants 
Streamline employees’ work 
With historical analysis available, analysts don’t have to search for past documents and spreads.
Streamline employees’ work 

Reach out to talk about what’s possible with your financial spreading process.

Crowe CX for Financial Spreading is part of the Crowe CX Lending Suite. We also would be happy to discuss how Crowe CX for Commercial Lending and Crowe CX for Problem Loans can transform your lending processes.

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Let’s transform the way you spread financial statements. 

We’ve been applying our financial spreading solution successfully for more than 10 years. Collectively, our clients have saved thousands of hours every month. We want to see if we can do the same for you.

We also can take care of the statements that automation can’t. Instead of kicking those statements back for hand-keying, our in-house data specialists can complete the work for you. As long as we can read it, you can get it spread.

Crowe specialists are ready to show you how Crowe CX for Financial Spreading can help change your entire approach to commercial lending.