
New export strategy presents opportunities for Kent businesses

The government launches new export strategy

Darren Rigden, Partner

Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox’s aim to increase the UK’s exports post-Brexit to 35% of GDP could help Kent based businesses take the first step into exporting.

Liam Fox says that Britain has the potential to be a ‘21st century exporting superpower’ and there are an estimated 400,000 UK businesses that could export but currently do not. He has pledged to support these businesses with better loans, guarantees and support and this is an opportunity of which Kent businesses are well placed to take advantage.

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), published on 10 August 2018, show that demand for British goods and services is higher than ever, with exports at a record high of £621 billion in the year to June 2018.

The UK has grown its exports by ‘punching above its weight’ economically in international trade. In a post-Brexit era this will become vital to the future economic prosperity of our country.

Businesses across Kent demonstrate that all sizes and types can export successfully. The exporters Crowe advise range from small businesses to large international corporations and their products are very diverse. Many countries see British goods as being high quality desirable products particularly in the fashion, services, engineering and innovative sectors.

Exporting requires careful research, investment in time, and some patience, but the rewards can be significant and there is support and help available. This latest initiative should build upon these foundations and it will hopefully provide added support to increase the number of Kent businesses exporting.

Crowe is well placed to help Kent businesses take the first steps into exporting, as the UK member of the world’s eighth largest accounting network. We have strong and established personal working relationships with our colleagues around the world, so can help businesses looking to expand to begin exporting to single or multiple markets and countries. We work with many businesses in Kent who have benefited from our global network.

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Darren Rigden
Darren Rigden
Partner, Audit and Business Solutions