Rebecca Durrant

Partner shortlisted for Champion of the Year in the Citywealth’s Powerwomen Awards 2024

Rebecca Durrant
The Powerwomen Awards 2024 spotlights individuals and companies who support caregiving responsibilities, female leadership, and celebrate diversity. It also platforms best practice which helps exercise positive social influence on the sector.

Rebecca’s shortlisting recognises the outstanding impact she has made across the firm and industry in championing the position of women in the Wealth Sector, where the offshore legal, tax, fiduciary and advisory professions are traditionally dominated by men.

Rebecca leads Crowe’s National Private Client team who look after the financial affairs of some of the most successful high net worth individuals and families in the UK. The team provides a range of services, designed to maximise and protect wealth for individuals and their families into retirement and for future generations.

Rebecca Durrant, Partner, National Head of Private Clients, said: 
“At Crowe we have long championed the position of women as leaders within professional services and in business more generally. Each person nominated in this year’s award is part of a wider, commitment helping to create an environment which allows women to succeed in their chosen field and wider society.

“Ensuring that our emerging female leaders have the right support, training and sponsorship creates an enduring legacy for those aspiring professionals of the future.”

Powerwoman awardsPeers (unable to pick colleagues) and clients must cast their vote online (login required),
by 1 December 2023 deadline.

All winners will be announced on the night at the awards ceremony.