
Global Mobility Services - Business Travellers

Business travellers are a real hot topic in Global Mobility, HR and Tax. As it is a hot topic, it is essential that those involved in employee mobility understand the key issues.

Dinesh Jangra, Crowe UK
Why is knowledge of this area important?

The business will often turn to those handling employee mobility to lead and guide them on how to manage business travellers (whether or not they are formally part of their remit). This is because key to successfully managing the issues is the technical knowledge, process and policy expertise that supports general employee mobility. Those who handle employee mobility may want to consider proactively volunteering to define and co-develop how to manage business travellers. This way, they get to influence and co-design the process and ensure it does not create unnecessary extra process or workloads. 


Read full article: Mobility Mondays - Business Travellers

Contact us

Agata Nieżychowska
Agata Nieżychowska
Tax Director, Partner

Global Mobility Services

Tax advisory