
Raakesh Khandoo Audit

Crowe hands over R1m

on behalf of MTN Smart Challenge

Trending Insights

Treasury has signalled that a sugar tax
As worldwide climate change accelerates and impacts on us, so will the dangers of us not insuring
Rational thought is gone  you rush inside and Google Bitcoin. When you discover that Bitcoin is the most Googled word in the world.
Technology has enabled companies to decentralise activities into areas of specialisation.
On the 25th of October, the new Minister of Finance will present the Medium Term Budget Framework.
An operating model and value proposition that delivers a service.
This booklet will concentrate on the practical aspects
of the Budget and also provide a summary of existing
tax and related issues.
Reinette Theart, director of Horwath Tax Consulting (Gauteng)(Pty) Ltd recaps the basics on the expiry of vat for property developers
Treasury has signalled that a sugar tax
As worldwide climate change accelerates and impacts on us, so will the dangers of us not insuring
Rational thought is gone  you rush inside and Google Bitcoin. When you discover that Bitcoin is the most Googled word in the world.
Technology has enabled companies to decentralise activities into areas of specialisation.
On the 25th of October, the new Minister of Finance will present the Medium Term Budget Framework.
An operating model and value proposition that delivers a service.
This booklet will concentrate on the practical aspects
of the Budget and also provide a summary of existing
tax and related issues.
Reinette Theart, director of Horwath Tax Consulting (Gauteng)(Pty) Ltd recaps the basics on the expiry of vat for property developers