Laptop on school books in library

Independent Schools and Academies

In education, credentials count, and we are leading advisors to independent schools and academies.

Non Profit webinars

Live and on-demand webinars covering practical issues that impact non profits.  

Independent school fees

To be ready for the VAT changes, our specialists are now setting up processes in preparation for the changes. 

Register below to receive advice and guidance on the next steps.

Insights, news and events

Independent Schools Conference


Fees in advance schemes


Increased HMRC employer compliance reviews


Financial challenges for independent schools


Planning ahead: VAT on school fees update


Our team

Our specialists are recognised for their expertise around the world, where we:

  • write and lecture internationally on current issues and best practice
  • act as board members, trustees and governors
  • act as a special advisor to Charity Finance Group
  • work closely with the Charity Commission and HMRC
  • are represented on the ICAEW charity group
  • chair the ISBA/IAPS working party, providing best practice guidance on reporting for independent schools.

We have established ourselves in the sector as key partners in business with our clients. The vast amount of experience and resources we bring in working with independent schools means that we provide first-class advice consistently over the widest range of topics and issues.

What we can do for you

  • Governance reviews and training
  • Bursary reviews
  • Practical interpretation of regulation for the independent schools sector
  • Benchmarking
  • Risk management: identifying risks, assessments, treatment and reporting with our unique web-based solution risk management tool,
  • Charity Magique
  • Develop and roll-out management training programmes
  • Run risk-profiling workshops using state-of-the-art techniques
  • Scenario planning
  • Specialist VAT advice
  • Employment advice
  • Gift aid advice
  • Teachers' pension grant and audits


Independent Schools: navigating uncertainty
Over the past year we have seen the political debate of VAT on school fees intensify once again, causing further uncertainty in an already challenging environment.
Independent Schools technical update
A timely update for accountants, bursars and governors who may be finalising their 2021 financial accounts or want to be updated with the latest changes.
Academies: Technical update and risk management
For accountants, school business managers and governors covering auditing standards and accounting requirements which will impact on disclosures in the 2021 financial statements.
VAT update for Section 33 Bodies - Academies, Air Ambulances and Hospices
Providing ‘Section 33’ bodies covering Air Ambulances, Hospices and Academies) an overview of the main VAT issues currently affecting them.
Independent Schools: navigating uncertainty
Over the past year we have seen the political debate of VAT on school fees intensify once again, causing further uncertainty in an already challenging environment.
Independent Schools technical update
A timely update for accountants, bursars and governors who may be finalising their 2021 financial accounts or want to be updated with the latest changes.
Academies: Technical update and risk management
For accountants, school business managers and governors covering auditing standards and accounting requirements which will impact on disclosures in the 2021 financial statements.
VAT update for Section 33 Bodies - Academies, Air Ambulances and Hospices
Providing ‘Section 33’ bodies covering Air Ambulances, Hospices and Academies) an overview of the main VAT issues currently affecting them.

Contact us

Tina Allison
Tina Allison
Head of Education - Non Profits