In the current National and European framework, there is a wide range of financial or fiscal grants and incentives programs of various kinds. These instruments offer a very interesting opportunities to help companies to carry out business and initiatives projects, making it faster, more flexible and less risky to achieve goals for the future.
Aware of these opportunities and also of the distinctive factors presented to companies by knowledge, evaluation and planning of actions aimed at exploring such opportunities, we have developed a holistic approach to Grants and Incentives that ensures accurate description and sustained planning, ensuring a more effective approach.
Our approach to the Grants and Incentives area is always tailored to the specific characteristics of each customer, but is grouped and prepared to respond to some objectives that belong the following projects:
Our work in this field consists of a methodology that provides a characterization of the company, a detailed analysis of its goals and needs, a framework and general assessment of incentive (current and future) and benefit instruments, the planning, scheduling and implementation of actions (preparation of applications and other types of initiative) and monitoring to ensure control and effectiveness.
The following instruments are currently available:Contact Us