Agriculture And Fishing

Agriculture And Fishing

Agriculture And Fishing

Agricultural sector has potential for development due to the variations in the country’s geography and climate. The variety of crop cultivation mainly includes dates and limes, tropical crops are coconuts, papayas, bananas, and other fruits and vegetables. The Government has established research and development centres across the country to promote agricultural mechanization and the introduction of new farming methods and crops.

3,165 km of coastline renders Oman a lucrative proposition for massive fishing fleets. The fisheries sector is one of the major contributors to non- oil/gas generated income and it is perceived as having an even greater potential with Omani fishing waters being regarded among the richest in the world.

Fisheries has been one of the main natural resources. The fishing industry is growing and the export market has increased substantially through various initiatives of the government by providing fish farms, marine subsidiaries and cold stores etc.,

We understand revenues and expenses are highly seasonal, cash flow varies throughout the year, and some inventories are highly perishable. Our experts understand Oman’s agriculture and fishing industry is deeply affected by advancements in global trade, legal and accounting issues that relate to family succession, accounting tax laws, and financial auditing challenges. Having accounting professionals on your side to help guide you through the financial risks and growth opportunities is essential to the success of any small family farm, large agricultural company, or factory.