

textile 1

The textile sector continues to be one of the sectors that contribute the most to our country's exports. The quality and evolution of the Tunisian textile industry continue to score points in the international panorama, through the product valuation. national, with a free bet on the modernization of factories.

Tunisia has managed to become one of the most sought after countries for textile production. Today, recognition extends to design and technological research. The days when our country was just a supplier are gone.

Crowe Tunisia, thanks to its long experience in this sector, can be a relevant support. 

  • We are able to help companies face their future, 
  • Seek opportunities for internationalization,
  • Explore other markets,
  • Seek new partners and achieve good performance. 
  • We have the power to improve the company's competitiveness by helping it to save internal resources so that they can be applied in a profitable and promising way.