Survey - companies consider changing the form of cooperation with, among others, the top earners

Polish Order - companies consider changing the form of cooperation with the top earners

Survey - companies consider changing the form of cooperation with, among others, the top earners
Around 14 per cent of companies are considering a change in the form of the cooperation with the top earners and their executives, a survey carried out by Crowe shows. The rather complicated mechanism for calculating the middle-class allowance can also prove to be a major difficulty for employers and employees.

The survey showed that employers are already being asked about a possible change in the form of cooperation with a company, and some employing entities are thinking about optimal solutions which will help them to keep the most valuable people in the organisation.

"Companies will rarely decide to directly compensate employees for higher tax burdens in the form of pay rises. Employers are much more likely to focus on finding a different employment model, remodelling incentive systems and searching for the new forms of benefits" - pointed out Agata Nieżychowska, Director of Tax Advisory Department at Crowe, for Puls Biznesu.


The article is available in Polish only.


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Agata Nieżychowska
Agata Nieżychowska
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