Poland Business Harbour - facilitation for IT companies setting up business in Poland

Poland Business Harbour - facilitation for IT companies setting up business in Poland

Poland Business Harbour - facilitation for IT companies setting up business in Poland
Poland's absorptive labour market, facilities for investors and central location make it attractive for foreign entrepreneurs, including those operating in IT. The Poland Business Harbour programme, which facilitates the relocation of business to Poland, is dedicated to this sector.

The Poland Business Harbour package provides foreign entrepreneurs operating in the broadly defined IT sector with support in the area of:

  • relocation of staff
  • legal and visa formalities
  • establishing contacts with local investors
  • obtaining grants and subsidies for R&D

The programme is addressed to IT companies, start-ups and individual IT professionals and programmers.

IT investments in Poland

Poland is becoming more and more attractive to foreign investors over the years. According to analyses conducted by the Central Economic Information Centre, between 6,000 and 10,000 new companies with foreign capital are set up here each year.

The IT industry is also keen to invest in Poland, which is seen as an IT Hub in Central Europe. In recent years, global technology leaders such as Google and Microsoft have expanded their operations here. Many global corporations run service centres in Poland, using local IT resources.

See also: Accounting services for IT companies

Relocation of staff and IT companies from abroad - package of services

At Crowe, we understand the importance of comprehensive support at every stage of business relocation. For B2B IT companies and employees planning to set up operations in Poland, we have created a package of services combining the experience and expertise of specialists from multiple disciplines.

Learn more about doing business in Poland - download the brochure Doing business in Poland

Within the scope of our services, we advise on the optimal form of business and taxation, help obtain work permits and statements of assignment. We support companies and IT professionals in receiving IP Box and R&D relief. We offer ongoing bookkeeping, HR and payroll services as well as legal and tax advisory.

Our IT clients can count on the support of experts in intellectual property law and new technologies. We also provide the legal services necessary for business activities in the areas of e-commerce, video games, e-gaming, creative industries and cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Launching a business in Poland - a package of services:

We offer all services in English or Polish.

1. Support for IT companies and start-ups:

  • opening a company or a branch in Poland
  • purchase of a ready-made company
  • investment in a Polish company / M&A transactions / due diligence
  • expansion of activities on the local market
  • support in contacts with authorities, local governments or Special Economic Zones
  • tax advisory services (CIT, VAT)
  • accounting services under Polish regulations
  • service of a tax representative
  • support in hiring employees, drafting of contracts
  • HR and payroll services
  • posting of employees
  • legal advisory services
  • support in leasing and purchasing of real estate

Learn more: Relocation of business from Ukraine to Poland

2. B2B support services for programmers and IT professionals:

  • support for the legalisation of residence and extension of legal residence
  • support in applying for, implementing and settling the IP Box relief
  • support for the R&D tax relief
  • day-to-day bookkeeping (also with registered address)
  • ongoing tax support (PIT, VAT)

Learn more: IP Box relief for programmers


Relocation of the company and employees to Poland 

Support for IT companies

IP Box for programmers

The IP Box relief makes it possible to benefit from a preferential CIT or PIT rate of 5% on income. Crowe not only offers support in the process of claiming the relief, its implementation and settlement, but also provides complementary services, such as accounting services.

Contact us

Agata Nieżychowska
Agata Nieżychowska
Tax Director, Partner