Audits of Financial Statements

Audits of Financial Statements

Audits of Financial Statements


Audit of Financial Statements in Poland

Financial statement audit is a service aimed at giving credibility to figures by issuing a Licensed Auditor’s opinion confirming if the figures are true and fair. The aim is also to mitigate the risk of decisions made by the recipient of the Financial Statements.

Audit of financial statements – international standards

We carry out financial statements audits in line with our own methodology as well as in line with Polish and International Standards on Auditing. We also refer to global standards and experience of Crowe Global.

Financial statements auditing – stages of a service

With each project which we commence we customise the audit strategy to client’s specifics. At the first stage of our work we get to know our client’s operations, its organisation, financial results, financial standing and its economic and legal environment, accounting system and internal control. Based on this data we identify and analyse risk factors and plan our audit.

We ensure efficient information flow between our client and our project team, which increases audit efficiency and ensures timely completion of work. Apart from issuing our opinion and report, we present vital information to the Management or Supervisory Board which are not required in the opinion or report, but which may influence the company’s operations, in particular the organisation of internal control.

Financial statement audit - scope of services:

  • Audits and reviews of Financial Statements (individual and consolidated) in line with the Polish and International Financial Reporting Standards

Contact our expert

Monika Byczyńska
Monika Byczyńska
Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance