
Foundations: Social Housing insights 

August 2019

Adam Cutler, Director, VAT and National Head of Social Housing

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Since the last edition of Foundations went to print a new Prime Minister, Housing Secretary and Housing Minister have all been appointed. Initial indications are that there will be a change in policy towards encouraging home ownership, perhaps with a greater encouragement of rent-to-buy models. The National Housing Federation also reports fruitful discussions with HMRC about continuing the cost sharing exemption for housing associations, which would be welcome. We shall provide further commentary on these developments once we have greater clarity.

Our August edition of Foundations includes: 

  • Land for many report
  • Off payroll working
  • Do for-profit RPs get tax breaks
  • Finance Bill 2020
  • VAT reliefs on replacement cladding
  • Do you suspect a fraud has occurred?
  • A good procurement process - the do's and don'ts

Contact us

Adam Cutler
Adam Cutler
Director, VAT and Customs Duty Services