Cybercrime Resilience Assessment

Advising Trustees on how to mitigate cyber risk.

Cybercrime and data protection are now seen as the fastest growing risks facing UK pension arrangements. The Pensions Regulator has issued guidance about how it expects Trustees to address these risks. Existing controls which mitigate potential cybercrime risks may be inadequate or need to be updated.

We assess the vulnerability of pension organisations to cybercrime, to highlight strengths and weaknesses in protection and, to recommend any necessary improvements. Our cybercrime vulnerability review works with Trustees to consider a range of areas.

  • Governance and data security policies.
  • Data systems including ownership, accessibility and behaviours.
  • Protections in place including cyber essentials plus.
  • Preparations to respond to cybercrime.
  • Plans to recover from a cybercrime attack.

We work with pension scheme Trustees and their advisors to help them better understand:

  • how cyber risk/crime can harmfully impact their pension scheme
  • potential actions they can take, which will minimise the risk to the scheme of being attacked
  • how best to respond to potential attacks in the future.


PASA Cybercrime guidance
Pensions Administration Standards Association launch new cybercrime guidance for pensions administrators. Guidance and commentary from Jim Gee, Crowe and Lucy Stone, The Pensions Regulator. 
PASA Cybercrime guidance
Pensions Administration Standards Association launch new cybercrime guidance for pensions administrators. Guidance and commentary from Jim Gee, Crowe and Lucy Stone, The Pensions Regulator. 

Pensions Cybercrime Vulnerability survey

Let us help you to assess your scheme’s vulnerability to cyber threats.
For an initial assessment, complete our:

Contact us

Andrew Penketh
Andrew Penketh
Head of Pension Funds