Crowe Singapore Cybersecurity


CISOaaS Consulting

Make cyber hygiene your organisation's top digital priority - and be recognised for it. Embark on your Cyber Essentials journey today. 

Fortify your cyber resilience and secure your critical assets.

The risk of exposure to cyberattacks are constantly evolving and poses an ongoing challenge for business in ensuring that their sensitive information remain secure, through the maintenance of a robust cybersecurity infrastructure.

Through our deep capabilities in technology audit, Crowe is well-placed to assist in advising you on how to resolve vulnerabilities that may exist, through a comprehensive cybersecurity review, as well as to help plan, prepare and test your organization’s approach to cybersecurity resilience.

Our solutions to get you started.

Baseline Health Check

Our baseline health check services provide a baseline gap analysis for our clients to have a bird’s eye view of their current cybersecurity posture. This covers IT Security Governance, Risk and Compliance. With this baseline health check report, you will be able to define and plan a cost-effective strategy to meet your compliance and cybersecurity objectives.

  • Quick and accurate report under a week
  • Cost-effective health check on current environment
  • Identify maturity level of current information security posture
Cybersecurity Assessment

With evolving cybersecurity threats, it is critical for businesses to perform cybersecurity assessments periodically. A Cybersecurity assessment will help to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats that may exist in your current network. This activity also helps to identify weaknesses, so that we can work together with you to build a more resilient environment against threats.

  • Evaluate current business process and policy
  • Identify vulnerabilities and risks
  • Review cybersecurity compliance according to your industry requirements
  • Providing a risk matrix on current environment according to various international frameworks
  • Aligning the organization with cybersecurity industry standards
  • Comprehensive report including recommendation and remediations
Penetration Test

A holistic cybersecurity approach is multi-faceted, integrating various components together to deal with current threats. Penetration testing is one of the keys to the puzzle, which completes the cybersecurity total defense. A penetration test is a simulated attack done by qualified expert to exploit your network in a controlled manner, under noble intentions. By investing in a regular penetration testing regimen, an organization is able to reap many benefits such as:

  • Evaluating how your current defense mechanism fares against simulated cyber attacks
  • Quantifying, evaluating and prioritizing your cybersecurity investments
  • Discovering hidden vulnerabilities and exploits
  • Providing insightful reports on strength and weaknesses of the current infrastructure
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing to get your TrustMark certification which can be used for your website and promotional materials
Red Teaming

As cyber threat actors are getting more creative, penetration testing alone at times is not enough to cater for large-scale sophisticated, targeted attacks. While the main objective of penetration testing is to identify as many vulnerabilities and exploits as possible of the targeted environment, the main focus of Red teaming is to sneak into the environment stealthily, bypassing detection, with a precise target. As an organization matures in their cybersecurity posture, this service is the next step forward upon conducting penetration testing.  

  • An adversarial approach which helps to identify and attack the organisation’s security posture via technical, physical and process based means
  • Access the organization’s cyber mechanism to detect such attacks
  • Providing the organization insights on the modus operandi that bad actors may deploy
  • Giving the organization confidence in addressing such attacks
Incident Response Services

Preparedness is identified as one of the critical assets in a holistic cybersecurity defense mechanism. To effectively combat against any cyber threats, incident response plan and guidelines must be in place to contain, eradicate and recover during a cybersecurity incident. IT cybersecurity resources are scarce. 

Therefore, our incident response service comes in to fill this critical gap due to the lack of available resources.

  • Identify critical stakeholders during a cyber incident
  • Define the roles and responsibilities in the organization during a cyber breach
  • Assessment of our client’s current critical business assets
  • Provide a well-defined response plan during an incident
  • Have an Incident Response team on contract for your Incident Response needs
Security Awareness and Training

Our comprehensive IT security awareness training programme helps to maintain high levels of awareness for your staff/members, contractors and service providers. It includes the individual’s responsibility to safeguard information assets, the current cyber threat landscape, and their implications.

We have standard and tailored programmes catered for organisations, and these will be conducted on a periodic basis, such as yearly or every six (6) months. Our programmes are reviewed and updated regularly.

Our programmes are conducted online at the convenience of the individuals, and reports will be generated based on their awareness. Further tests such as email phishing and USB drops, can also be arranged to validate the level of awareness on top of the tests, during the training programme.

Accredited Cybersecurity Service Provider

Appointed & Onboarded Chief Information Security Officer as a Service (CISOaaS) Consultant - Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials Mark Certified Organisation
Licensed Penetration Testing Service Provider
Appointed & Onboarded Chief Information Security Officer as a Service (CISOaaS) Consultant - Cyber Essentials
Crowe Singapore is among only a handful of cybersecurity consultants appointed and onboarded by the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore to provide CISOaaS solutions to assist enterprises achieve their Cyber Essentials Mark.
Cyber Essentials Mark Certified Organisation
Cyber Essentials Certified - Crowe Singapore
Crowe Singapore is a Cyber Essentials Mark certified organisation, by the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore. The Cyber Essentials mark recognises that organisations have implemented robust cybersecurity practices to safeguard their operations and customers from common cybersecurity threats. Learn more
Licensed Penetration Testing Service Provider
In June 2022, Crowe was among the first in Singapore to receive a Penetration Testing Service Licence from the Cybersecurity Services Regulation Office of the Singapore Government. Learn more

Connect with us

Adeline Ng, Partner, Crowe Singapore
Adeline Ng
Alvin Neo Crowe Singapore
Alvin Neo
Chia Shu Siang Crowe Singapore
Chia Shu Siang
Risk Advisory