Enhance your early-warning system for loan turbulence.

Loan review teams constantly examine credit risk, so they tend to spot major problems for organizations first.

An in-depth credit file due diligence review can help you mitigate risk and make more informed decisions whether you’re evaluating a lending decision or exploring a potential merger or acquisition. Our extensive experience and innovative technology can help your company identify and address risks faster.

Your loan review team needs to be prepared. 

Is your loan review team stretched thin and bogged down by time-consuming, manual processes?  

They could end up missing important details or getting key information too late.  

Crowe Credit360 for Loan Review Departments automates several tasks and processes, eliminating much time-consuming manual work while also reducing human error. 

This innovative solution frees up your loan review team, allowing them to focus on the big picture. And it can help you understand trends and risks your organization may have never seen before. 

Give your loan review team a shot in the arm.

We understand: Loan review isn’t usually seen as the most glamorous area of a bank or financial services company. 

Many banks and credit unions struggle to line up the right people with the right skills for loan review. And some of them don’t have a dedicated loan review function at all. 

Crowe offers short-term assistance, co-sourcing, and fully outsourced loan review capabilities. And as part of our overall bank M&A transaction services, we can help perform credit file due diligence related to a potential merger or acquisition.

Our knowledgeable specialists, fine-tuned methodology, and powerful technology can help your loan review department get on the path to performance.  

Lend safer and faster.

Explore services and products developed by an experienced team that knows your industry.

Crowe Credit360 for Loan Review Departments 
Save time and money with software that makes loan review processes more efficient and dynamic.
Crowe Credit360 for Loan Review Departments 
Problem loan management
Find out how our solutions and services can help you address the coming wave of problem loans.
Problem loan management
Crowe CX for Problem Loans
Streamline your organization’s problem loan administration and get a better view of credit risk.
Crowe CX for Problem Loans
Portfolio valuation software
Get better data – and reveal deeper portfolio insights – with Crowe Credit360 for Valuation.
Portfolio valuation software

Loan review is too important to entrust to just anyone.

You need to work with someone who really gets it. 

We’re a recognized leader in banking consulting, trusted by organizations of all sizes. And we’ve worked with hundreds of banks on loan review.

Want to learn more about how our services and solutions can strengthen your loan review function? Interested in joining a peer group?

Get in touch