Tax compliance in Poland

Tax compliance

Tax compliance means fulfilling tax reporting obligations.

Tax compliance in Poland

Tax advisory

Tax compliance in Poland

Tax compliance means fulfilling tax reporting obligations. This service may cover tax liability calculation or verification of the calculations provided by a client, as well as drafting and submitting the required tax returns.

The tax compliance service may be combined with a tax audit, in which all the elements influencing tax calculation or business areas specified by a client are covered. This comprehensive approach is a perfect tool for tax risk management in an organisation and thus contributes to increasing the company's security related to tax settlements.  

The tax compliance service is addressed to Polish taxpayers as well as foreign companies obliged to settle taxes and submit tax returns in Poland. Moreover, one can add further modules to the service, thus obtaining support for all key areas of the company's operations. 

Tax compliance – why choose our services?

Companies in Poland spend a lot of time on tax reporting and dealing with the tax office, yet the problem grows as organisations grow. As a result, tax teams constantly grow, operating costs increase, and numerous changes in tax law make it difficult for organisations to properly fulfil their tax obligations.

A tax compliance service is the solution. The team of Crowe experts offers support on tax reporting and settlements. We continuously monitor changes in legislation, help to reduce tax burdens and limit the tax risk for our clients. The scope of support under the tax compliance service is tailored to the individual needs of a given company. 

Tax compliance – scope of Crowe services

The tax compliance service covers all the key corporate elements which have a direct impact on tax settlements and the tax returns and reports to be submitted.

Crowe experts offer support on reporting and compliance within the following areas:

  • corporate income tax (CIT),
  • withholding tax (WHT),
  • value added tax (VAT),
  • tax on civil law transactions (PCC),
  • intrastat declarations,
  • transfer pricing information (TPR, CBC),
  • reports to the National Bank of Poland.

We provide:

  • taxpayer registration for CIT and VAT
  • calculation and verification of tax due
  • representation before tax offices and tax inspection authorities
  • conducting tax audits
  • analysis of the correctness of tax obligations
  • drafting and verification of tax documentation
  • advisory concerning optimization of tax settlements

Contact us

Agata Nieżychowska
Agata Nieżychowska
Tax Director, Partner