What awaits us in ESG? 5 key topics in 2025

What awaits us in ESG? 5 key topics in 2025 

What awaits us in ESG? 5 key topics in 2025
In 2025, ESG becomes a fact for many companies that must meet new regulatory requirements, stakeholder expectations and technological challenges. The upcoming changes force companies to redefine their strategies and operational activities towards more sustainable management.

We encourage you to read the article in which we present 5 key topics in 2025 in the field of ESG.

ESG reporting obligations for another group of entities

From 2025, reporting obligations in accordance with the CSRD directive and ESRS standards will apply to large companies, both listed and unlisted, that meet certain criteria, such as exceeding employment or financial thresholds. In the same year, the first companies will be subject to mandatory sustainability reporting.

Green talents in the spotlight

The demand for ESG experts will increase significantly. In order to meet new challenges, companies will invest in developing employee competences, recruiting specialists and cooperating with educational institutions. The development of training programmes, the inclusion of ESG topics in higher education and initiatives raising environmental awareness will be priorities.

Integration of technologies in ESG

Advances in artificial intelligence and data analytics open up new possibilities for ESG monitoring and reporting. Technologies supporting business processes enable faster data collection and identification of areas requiring improvement. At the same time, companies need to consider the potential risks that may be associated with the use of AI.

Investing in the energy transition

The energy transition in 2025 is gaining momentum, supported by significant investments and cooperation between the public and private sectors. The development of renewable energy sources and electromobility is becoming a priority, bringing financial, operational and reputational benefits to companies involved in the process. Investments in green technologies support future-proof business models and address the needs of sustainable development.

Sustainable Finance

The growing importance of sustainable finance in 2025 is becoming a clear trend that shapes the strategy of many companies. Investors are increasingly directing their funds towards green bonds, ESG funds and other financial instruments supporting sustainable development. Additionally, financial institutions are taking steps towards greater transparency by introducing standards for assessing sustainable investments.

ESG implementation and reporting. How can we help?

The upcoming changes in ESG are not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to strengthen the market position and contribute to building a more sustainable economy. Companies that proactively prepare for the new requirements will be better adapted to function in the dynamically changing world of business.

ESG implementation - scope of support for companies

We are part of the international Crowe network, one of the largest advisory and auditing networks in the world. As part of the ESG advisory service, we help companies in the following areas:

  • ESG training
  • ESG audit
  • ESG reporting
  • ESG strategy

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Our expert

Milena Kowalik-Szeruga, ESG Manager
Milena Kowalik-Szeruga
ESG Manager
Crowe Poland