The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) issued version 4.0 of the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) in March 2022. With the two-year adoption window ending and the first phase of requirements going into effect April 1, 2024, it’s vital to get your organization ready to meet the new standards. Our PCI team is here to help.
In this webinar recording, Crowe specialists cover what you need to do right now to get ready for April 1 adoption. They’ll focus on the management scoping exercise, which drives assessment planning forward. With an unprecedented level of required detail and minimal reporting guidance, our team will clarify how you can ramp up to maintain compliance. They also touch on the next phase of requirements, effective in 2025.
Plus, our team took the time to answer some of the most frequently asked questions during the webinar. Watch them cover topics like PCI standard applicability, the self-assessment questionnaire, and network and data flow diagrams.