Internal Audit

Internal Audit

Internal Audit

Is your internal audit system effective and efficient enough?

According to the Institute of Internal Auditors, “the role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that an organization’s risk management, governance, and internal control processes are operating effectively.” .

Are you ensuring you are doing what you say you’re doing? Are there gaps in your policies and procedures? Areas for improvement? Are you meeting your compliance goals? These important questions are addressed through internal audit.

Should you have any concerns about your internal audit system, feel free to contact us.

Service description

Internal Audit Advisory
Internal Audit Co-sourcing
Internal Audit Outsourcing
Internal Audit Advisory
Internal Audit Co-sourcing
Internal Audit Outsourcing

Why us

  • International Brand Name: With the Brand Name within the top 10 globally in many years, our audit reports will contribute to building up confidence and trust of your business partners, investors, sponsors, creditors, bankers, authorities, and public.
  • Responsive to clients’ needs: Being fast and right in meeting clients’ needs is always our priority. We thoroughly understand how important it is to the clients.
  • Flexible in our approach: Clients’ needs in internal audit services are diversified, therefore, we choose to be flexible in tailoring our work accordingly to be able to meet client’s expectations, requirements and budgets.


  • Experienced teams: we are highly confident with our experts of internal audit services because they have proven themselves with years of experience and strong portfolios of clients.
  • Service quality: Crowe Vietnam have built up the “Set of Service Standards” and committed to delivering them at the highest level, for more details click here
  • Competitive fees: we listen to your cost concern and will together with you keep it under control. We always try to reduce costs as much as possible by optimizing the processes, applying technology, increasing automation… 

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Meet our experts

Linh Nguyen
Nam Nguyen
Managing Partner
Hanoi Office
Vu Lam
Lam Vu
Managing Partner
HCMC, Dist. 1 Office
Tran Tan Phat
Phat Tran
Partner, Audit & Assurance
HCMC, Dist. 1 Office
Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen
Partner, Advisory
Hanoi Office
Thanh Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
Partner, Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
HCMC, Dist. 1 Office
Tan Loon Hean
Tan Loon Hean
Technical Advisor
Thuy Phan
Thuy Phan
Director, Audit & Assurance
HCMC, Dist. 1 Office
Nga Le
Nga Le
Director, Audit & Assurance
Hanoi Office

Contact us

We provide services to enterprises across Vietnam. Should you want a meeting set-up, quotation, proposal or feedback