Crowe Romania

Procedure regarding the extension of the medical leave beyond 183 days for up to 90 days

References: ORDER no. 953 of July 14th 2017

Crowe Romania

The extension of medical leave beyond the duration of 183 days is possible for a period of maximum 90 days in relation to the evolution of the presented conditions and with the results of the recovery actions, with the purpose of avoiding retirement by reason of disability.

The medical documents that support the request for extending the medical leave over the duration of 183 days is submitted at the territorial medical expertise practice for work capacity subordinated to the territorial pension house, depending on the insured person’s residence and it comprises copies of the following documents: hospital discharge papers, laboratory analysis results, functional and imaging investigations that support the clinical diagnosis, evolution and recovery prognosis and the performed treatments, the medical report drawn up by the treating physician according to the enforcement guidelines of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 158/2005 concerning leaves and social health insurance allowances, the certificate stipulating the number of medical leave days accumulated in the last 12/24 months and, in original, the presentation report filled in by the social insurance practitioner.

The treating physician shall submit the proposal for extending the medical leave over 183 days to the territorial medical expertise practice for work capacity at least 20 days prior to the expiration of the medical leave maximum duration.

The authorization of the Higher commission of medical expertise on work capacity within the INEMRCM for the extension of the medical leave beyond the duration of 183 days shall comprise the number of approved medical leave days, the approved period, as well as possible observations. The unfavourable response from the Higher commission of medical expertise on work capacity within the INEMRCM shall include briefly the reasons leading to the decision to not approve the extension of the medical leave beyond the duration of 183 days.

Within maximum 3 working days, the social insurance practitioner shall inform, by a notice, the treating physician who requested the extension of the medical leave beyond 183 days on the conclusions of the Higher commission of medical expertise on work capacity within the INEMRCM, with the purpose of issuing the medical leave certificate(s).