Organizational change management strategies in AI adoption

Rebecca Solano
| 4/22/2024
Organizational change management strategies in AI adoption

The recent surge in popularity of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools seems to have amplified technology adoption uncertainty among employees. When they're first introduced, advanced technologies – and AI in particular – change what employees are used to, which can lead to fear, hesitation, and questions.

Many metals leaders are wondering how AI fits into their digital transformation journey and how to best communicate those plans as they engage with their employees. One approach leaders can take is to use organizational change management strategies to define their goals for using AI, share their game plan with workers, and explain the full benefits of what AI can do for their business.

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Organizational change management: Integral to technology implementation success

While most metals leaders understand how organizational change management strategies can promote employee buy-in and make for a smoother technology implementation, they often overlook the benefits of integrating a few critical techniques.

Research shows that effective change management correlates with meeting project objectives, following established schedules, and sticking to a budget. As one study by Prosci noted, “With excellent change management, your project is nearly 1.5 times more likely to stay on or under budget than with poor change management.”

If metals leaders want to successfully integrate advanced technology such as AI into their processes, they need to put organizational change management strategies in place to support employee adoption. One way leaders can help workers better understand changes coming their way is by providing answers to questions employees might have about AI use at the company.

4 questions to inform organizational change management strategies in AI adoption

Metals leaders can help ease employee concerns by transparently sharing answers to the following four questions.

  • What is the AI tool?

    State what the AI tool is, what it does, and what it will be used for. Provide information about the tool to help employees become familiar with it, learn more about it, and even do their own research about the technology.

  • Who will use this tool?

    Identify who will be expected to use the tool. In addition, determine whether opportunities for training and upskilling will be provided, and share necessary information for how employees can access those resources.

  • When will the tool be used?

    Establish a timeline for when the team should begin using the tool. Set expectations about when the tool should be used during the operations process to help eliminate the potential for it to be set aside and forgotten.

  • Why is this tool being used?

    Be honest about the benefits the tool might provide as well as benefits employees can expect to experience as they use it. Provide a comparison to similar tools, and be clear about why this tool, in particular, is best for the business, process, or employees.

Creating organizational change management strategies today

Providing answers to employees’ pressing questions and concerns about using AI tools can help increase adoption and project success. When leaders show their teams that they’ve thought through the decision and have a vision behind the changes they’re implementing, workers can be more confident in using the new technology.

If you’re struggling with how to best answer these questions for your company – about using AI or implementing any new technologies – our team can help you apply the right organizational change management strategies that work for your business. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Rebecca Solano
Rebecca Solano