Company details to display - Crowe Ireland

Company details to show on business letters, order forms and websites

Company details to display - Crowe Ireland
Under the Companies Act 2014, every company is required to display its name outside every office or place of business in a conspicuous and legible manner.
Every company must also display information about itself on any stationery, website and other company collateral. The information that is required to be displayed depends on what type of company it is. Below we outline these company disclosure requirements:
Under the Companies Act 2014, every company is required to display its name outside every office or place of business in a conspicuous and legible manner.

Every company must also display information about itself on any stationery, website and other company collateral. The information that is required to be displayed depends on what type of company it is. Below we outline these company disclosure requirements:

Business letters Order forms Delivery notes
and invoices
The name of the company Required Required Required Required
The legal form of the company.
Limited (Ltd) or Designated Activity Company (DAC) etc. (See note 6)
Required Required Optional Required
The place of registration of the company. Required Required Optional Required
The Company’s registration number. Required Required Optional Required
The address of the company’s registered office. Required Required Optional Required
Each directors present forename, or the initials thereof, and present surname Required Optional Optional Optional
Former forename and surnames of any of the directors Required Optional Optional Optional
If the director is not Irish, his or her nationality. Required Optional Optional Optional
If including share capital it must be the paid up issued share capital If included If included If included If included
If the company is being wound up this must be stated If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable


  1. Business letters includes any letters on or in which the company’s name appears and which are sent by the company to any person.
  2. “Director” includes any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the company are accustomed to act, and “officer” shall be read accordingly.
  3. “Initials” includes a recognised abbreviation of a forename.
  4. In the case of a person usually known by a title different from his or her surname, the expression “surname” means that title;
  5. References to a “former forename” or “surname” do not include—
    • in the case of a person usually known by a title different from his or her surname, the name by which he or she was known previous to the adoption of or succession to the title; or
    • in the case of any person, a former forename or surname where that name or surname was changed or disused before the person bearing the name attained the age of 18 years or has been
    • changed or disused for a period of not less than 20 years, or
    • in the case of a married person or civil partner, the name or surname by which he or she was known previously to his or her marriage or civil partnership.
  6. If a company is exempt from the obligation to use the company type as part of its name, it must state that it has an exemption.

If you require assistance or more information on your company’s disclosure obligations, please contact a member of our company secretarial team.