Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Is this a scam?

No, this is not a scam. Crowe LLP works to help companies locate owners and report their unclaimed property. Learn more about our unclaimed property services.

What if I’m not sure how to check if I’m owed this money?

Make a good-faith effort to review your records, then reply to the letter as you deem appropriate. If you do not reply by the deadline on the letter, the funds will be transferred to the state as unclaimed property, pursuant to state law. Future claims would, then, have to be made with the state.

Will I be charged a fee to claim these funds?

No, there is no fee to you. If claimed, you will receive the amount listed on the letter you received.

How do I know if Crowe has received my response?

If you are concerned whether we received your reply or whether we received it by the deadline noted on the letter, please contact us or call our hotline at +1 630 586 5100.

What if I don’t receive my check in the time frame indicated?

Occasionally, it may take more than the 90-180 days to receive payment. If you would like to follow up on the status of your check, please contact us or call our hotline at +1 630 586 5100.