2021 Income tax rates in Slovakia

2021 Income tax rates in Slovakia

2021 Income tax rates in Slovakia
With effect from January 1, 2021, an amendment to Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax (hereinafter referred to as: „ITA“), which includes, inter alia, changes in the Income Tax rates for natural and legal persons, was approved.

The amendment to the Income Tax Act clarifies the condition of the application of the 15% Income Tax rate (which was first reduced by an approved amendment in 2019) for the tax period starting at earliest on January 1, 2021.


Overview of income tax rates


Taxable persons and companies

Valid for the year

Tax rate

Persons and companies whose taxable income(s) in accordance with § 6, part 1. and 2 of ITA shall not exceed an amount of EUR 100000 per taxable period



Persons and companies whose taxable income(s) in accordance with § 6, part 1. and 2 of ITA shall not exceed an amount of EUR 49790 per taxable period


Other persons and companies

