In the Official Gazette no 1042 of November 6th, 2020 was published the Decision no 935 /2020 for the amendment and completion of Annexes 2 and 3 of the Government Decision no 856/2020 on the extension of the alert state in Romania as of October 15, 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures that apply during such state in order to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Romanian Government has approved the amendment of Annexes no. 2 and 3 at Government Decision no. 856/2020 and therefore, starting on November 9, throughout the alert state:
- All economic operators carrying out trade/service activities are required to organize and carry out their activity between 5AM and 9PM. Shall be exempted from this obligation: pharmaceutical units, gas stations and economic operators with home delivery activity, which can carry out their activity under normal working conditions, in compliance with the rules of sanitary protection.
- Employers from the private system, central and local public authorities and institutions, regardless of the mode of financing and subordination, as well as autonomous enterprises, national societies, national companies and companies in which the share capital is wholly or majority owned by the state or by an administrative-territorial unit, with a number of more than 50 employees, are required to organize the work programme under telework or work from home, under the provisions of the law.
- In the event that the employee cannot carry out the activity under telework or work from home and in order to avoid congestion of the public transport, the above mentioned public and private economic institutions and operators shall organize the work schedule so that the employees are divided into groups that start, respectively finish their activity by a margin of at least one hour.
In the same Official Monitor no. 1042/06.11.2020 was also published the Emergency Ordinance no. 192 dated November 5th, 2020 amending Article 7 (a) of the Law no 81/2018 on the regulation of telework activity, in the sense that has been introduced the specific provision that the tele-employee may use its own means related to information and communication technology and/or safe work equipment necessary for the performance of work, specifying the conditions of use, by written agreement with the Employer.
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