
Crowe, Purdue Polytechnic Institute announce digital risk collaboration

Public-private agreement opens new doors in cybersecurity research and resources


CHICAGO (July 17, 2018) — Crowe and the Department of Computer and Information Technology (CIT) at Purdue Polytechnic Institute recently established the Purdue-Crowe Digital Risk Collaboratory. The culmination of two years of work, this collaboratory will serve to develop opportunities in sponsored and government-funded research, with both sides working together on select Crowe client projects and services.

Combining the client engagement experience of Crowe with Purdue’s world-class research, faculty and students, the collaboratory will undertake joint projects for new clients, conduct federal and nonfederal research on digital risk issues and provide education. CIT faculty, staff and students will work closely with Crowe personnel to develop and test new risk management solutions for the digital age. The collaboratory is also developing executive training courses on how to manage digital risk for business executives.

“Leveraging our client leadership with Purdue’s research leadership is an outstanding value proposition,” said Steve Strammello, managing partner, Crowe risk consulting. “We’re investing in a future where our clients can maximize the adoption of digital-era tools and technologies while minimizing the risks associated with digital transformation. We believe this alliance will advance how organizations manage risk as they transform their businesses into the digital age.”

“The decision to collaborate is a bold and aggressive move by both sides to establish a more extensive foundation for digital and cyber risks, creating real-world application opportunities for ongoing research and projects,” said Marcus Rogers, head of CIT. “The collaboratory solidifies that exchange of ideas and the public-private partnership concept.”

Purdue’s internationally renowned strengths, including robotics, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and technology-enabled learning, allow for a multidisciplinary approach to meet future challenges. Work continues on setting up a mutually beneficial location for the collaboratory.

To learn more, visit Crowe risk consulting cybersecurity.

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Crowe LLP ( is a public accounting, consulting and technology firm with offices around the world. Crowe uses its deep industry expertise to provide audit services to public and private entities. The firm and its subsidiaries also help clients make smart decisions that lead to lasting value with its tax, advisory, risk and performance services. Crowe is recognized by many organizations as one of the best places to work in the U.S. As an independent member of Crowe Global, one of the largest global accounting networks in the world, Crowe serves clients worldwide. The network consists of more than 200 independent accounting and advisory services firms in more than 130 countries around the world.

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Amanda Reich
Amanda Reich