Behind every doctor visit, diagnostic test, and medical procedure, no matter how short or minor, is a series of complex and sophisticated revenue cycle processes and workflows that ensure that each party to the episode of care is billed, pays, and receives the right dollar amount for that service.
The people responsible for the performance of those processes and workflows are healthcare revenue cycle leaders at hospitals, healthcare systems, and medical practices across the country. Several hundred of them attended the 2021 Crowe healthcare revenue cycle virtual symposium.
Polls taken during the symposium’s keynote, general, and concurrent educational sessions reveal revenue cycle leaders’ thoughts about revenue cycle automation, data, and technology and their individual and collective effects on revenue cycle performance now and in the future.
These nine attendee poll results offer a glimpse of what healthcare leaders around the country think about revenue cycle automation, data, and technology in healthcare generally and in revenue cycle specifically.
Please also read “What Hospital and Healthcare System Revenue Cycle Leaders Think” for insights into what virtual healthcare revenue cycle symposium attendees think about the biggest trends in healthcare and how they’re affecting individual organizations, departments, and people.
To learn more about these and other topics, please view on-demand sessions from the 2021 Crowe healthcare revenue cycle virtual symposium.