3 keys to successful e-commerce in metals

Rivers Cornelson
3 keys to successful e-commerce in metals

Millennials are increasingly stepping into buyer roles, and the landscape for metals sales is changing. More than half of Millennials rely on online shopping for most needs, so what might this buying behavior mean for metals companies, many of which have a limited online presence?

As metals leaders actively search for ways to help clients research products before making a purchase, many are turning to e-commerce. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) businesses have experienced success with e-commerce platforms, and business-to-business (B2B) companies might be wondering how e-commerce can work for them as well.

An online sales platform might seem like a challenging undertaking for metals businesses that offer vast catalogs of products, but technology exists to support B2B needs. If metals leaders have an increased awareness of what they’re looking for in an e-commerce platform, they can implement a solution with confidence.

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3 areas of focus for metals leaders implementing e-commerce

Pricing icon


The price customers see online must match the price they would receive over phone and email. Maintaining consistent pricing requires companies to have a process in place to apply pricing updates across every sales channel.

In addition, key customers of metals companies typically have personalized pricing agreements such as improved margins, free shipping, or tax exemptions. Metals leaders must affirm that their e-commerce system offers the same personalized pricing as a sales team member with access to customer accounts.

Metals companies that want to implement an e-commerce solution should establish a standard pricing model that works online and over the phone. Leaders should also consider investing in people and processes focused on keeping pricing updated. E-commerce platforms with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) integration can help streamline this process and correctly calculate pricing based on the latest material costs.

Inventory icon


Customers likely will research inventory availability online before making a purchase, even if they purchase over the phone. Metals companies implementing e-commerce solutions must make sure the warehouse team updates the system with quality inventory data.

Metals leaders should consider how products are tagged, how the system reads those tags, and how products will be displayed online. Some metals companies might consider dedicating a separate warehouse to e-commerce to make sure inventory is allocated properly and to prevent overselling.

Technology has come a long way in its ability to provide near-real-time visibility for customers, but the system must be continually updated, and warehouse teams must have a strong process in place. An ERP e-commerce integration can also help provide a single source of truth across departments, so teams only need to enter data in one place.

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Customers might be able to look online for products and pricing, but they likely will still need to make a call before purchasing to inquire about a delivery date – unless the e-commerce platform provides that information. Like pricing, timelines predicted online and over the phone should align.

For metals companies to truly offer an online alternative for some audiences, they must have a way to digitally predict delivery dates that the e-commerce platform and sales team can both use. Metals leaders should consider the delivery service levels required by their target customers for e-commerce and look for initial successes with products that can be stocked and sold online without significant processing.

An ERP integration for e-commerce creates a seamless experience

It can seem daunting for metals leaders to consider all the factors necessary to implement an online sales solution. However, having an ERP integration for e-commerce can create a seamless experience for metals workers updating the system and customers conducting their own product research. Metals leaders should consider platforms that can integrate with their existing ERP system in a robust way.

An ERP integration for e-commerce offers back-office workers the opportunity to make website changes quickly and easily without having to submit an IT request. Using the same system they are already familiar with, teams can quickly adjust critical data behind pricing, inventory, and delivery estimates to maintain accuracy of the e-commerce site.

Keeping a website feeling fresh and meeting customer needs in today’s quickly moving markets means having a system that can be continually updated and tailored to unique customer specifications. When done right, buyers can have a seamless experience as they research products and interact more efficiently with sales teams.

Discover Crowe Metals Accelerator for E-commerce

Implementing an e-commerce solution for your metals company might be easier than you think. Our metals team at Crowe built Crowe Metals Accelerator for E-commerce to help metals companies deliver a smooth buying experience for customers. With our solution, metals companies can get their websites up and running with highly customizable, user-friendly interfaces designed to enhance B2B buying journeys and offer real-time access to personalized data for users on both mobile and desktop browsers.

Whether you’re interested in hearing more about Crowe Metals Accelerator for E-commerce or you have questions about how to prepare for an e-commerce implementation at your metals business, our team is here to help.

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Rivers Cornelson
Rivers Cornelson

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