VPs of revenue cycle roundtable


This session will bring together four of the top revenue cycle executives from across the country to engage in an exciting discussion related to the current state of revenue cycle and other challenges, trends, best practices, and strategies.

After attending this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe the challenges that revenue cycle executives are facing across the country
  • Discuss where the revenue cycle is headed in the future
  • Identify strategies and best practices related to high-performing revenue cycles


Colleen Hall, Managing Principal, Healthcare, Crowe (moderator)

Dennis Shirley, Vice President of Revenue Cycle, UnityPoint Health

Charlie Graham, Vice President of Revenue Cycle (retired), Riverside Health System

Troy Spring, Leader, Revenue Cycle, Intermountain Healthcare

Heather Dunn, Vice President and Chief Revenue Cycle Officer, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Download the presentation slides
Explore other Crowe Healthcare Revenue Cycle Virtual Symposium sessions.