Unclaimed property and poor credit balance management can lead to significant financial exposure that can compound over many years. When was your organization’s last unclaimed property checkup? With many state budgets struggling in the wake of COVID-19 and third-party audit contractors hungry for a finder’s fees from unclaimed property, it is critical to get this compliance function right. Unclaimed property requirements are getting more complicated on a state-by-state basis, and record retention periods of 15 years or more are becoming more common.
Is your organization managing risk effectively? This webinar will examine the effectiveness of unclaimed property and credit balance management techniques and how leading organizations are complying with requirements and benefiting from data to drive efficiencies. After participating in this webinar, you will be able to:
Take a proactive approach as states get more aggressive in pursuing unclaimed property and compliance with credit balance management. When auditors and regulators come knocking, the demand for your staff’s time and the risks of penalties and interest are real. Be ready.