Compare the Candidates' Tariff Policies for Election 2024

Rochelle Hodes, Dan Swartz
The 2024 election could set a new course for U.S. tariffs to influence the global trade environment. Review this resource to improve your understanding of potential changes in today’s tariff environment that could result from the 2024 election.
Compare the Candidates Tariff Policies for Election 2024


Republican stance:
  • Higher tariffs on China: A commitment to a significant increase in tariffs on import
  • Universal tariff: Advocating for a 10% baseline tariff to promote a stronger U.S. trade position
Democratic stance:
  • Selective tariff increases: Focused on specific types of imports
  • Sustainability and innovation: A continuation of targeted research and clean energy incentives and initiatives

The road ahead

With the election outcome expected to have a big impact on the future of tariffs, staying informed and adaptable is crucial for navigating the international trade landscape.

Get critical insights on U.S. tariffs and their potential shifts after the 2024 election, along with tips on what businesses might expect and how to prepare.

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Our specialists have a deep understanding of tariffs and trade issues

We monitor the latest updates from the campaign trail on tariff, trade, and tax issues. Get in touch to learn more about what we’re seeing and how we can help you stay ahead of the curve. 

Rochelle Hodes
Rochelle Hodes
Principal, Washington National Tax
Dan Swartz
Dan Swartz
Principal, Tax