Dan Balla - Large

Daniel R. Balla


401 East Las Olas Blvd.

Suite 1100

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-4230

Daniel Balla is a partner in the audit and assurance group at Crowe. He is a leader of the audit transformation team, and promotes and supports high-quality assurance services by leading the development and implementation of innovative methodologies, knowledge, auditor training, and assurance solution development and evaluation. His responsibilities include:

  • Developing and continuing to innovate and improve technology-enabled audit and assurance methodologies, tools, and processes
  • Leading a complete redesign of the firm’s audit methodology for private and public companies as well as creating our new audit delivery and documentation system
  • Establishing and continually improving auditor training
  • Creating and maintaining knowledge management systems and knowledge assets for audit and assurance
  • Identifying and evaluating potential new assurance services

Client focus



Professional affiliations

  • AICPA Assurance Services Executive Committee
  • Rutgers AICPA Data Analytics Research Initiative (RADAR)
  • Florida Institute of CPAs


  • Bachelor of Science, Accounting Information Systems
    Saint Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, Indiana