people talking to each other

Client Feedback – Why is this important?

Cammas MacCormick, Senior Compliance & Risk Manager
people talking to each other
At Crowe Financial Planning, we greatly appreciate our client’s trust and partnership. Today, we want to emphasise the critical role the feedback from our clients plays in shaping our services and ensuring their satisfaction.

Continuous improvement

The insights of our clients help us enhance our offerings. Whether it’s refining our processes, updating our services, or streamlining communication, feedback guides our evolution.

Tailored solutions

By understanding the unique needs of our clients, we can customise our services to better serve them. Our client’s input ensures that we address the specific challenges they face.

Client-centric approach

We are committed to putting our clients first. Feedback allows us to align our strategies with their goals, creating a seamless experience.

How can our client’s share their thoughts?

Direct communication

Reach out to our consultants or support team. We welcome our client’s thoughts, concerns, and suggestions at any time.

Client surveys

Participation in our client surveys, such as our newly launched Elevation by VouchedFor. Candid responses from our clients provides valuable data that helps us drive positive change.

What is Elevation?

Elevation is an advanced client survey designed by VouchedFor which will help us to collect our client’s valuable feedback. But it’s more than just a survey—it’s a powerful tool that can help us develop and grow our service offering and ultimately enhance the experience our clients receive.

Key Features:

Client feedback collection

Elevation enables us to gather insights directly from our clients. Their feedback is essential in enabling us to understand their needs, preferences, and overall satisfaction.

Private and confidential

Unlike traditional public reviews, Elevation ensures that any feedback remains private. This confidentiality, will help encourage honest responses and allow us to address specific issues without compromising the trust placed in us.

Consumer duty compliance

Elevation aligns with the Consumer duty regulations. It will enable us to provide real-time reports on how well we meet the four Consumer duty outcomes throughout our client’s journey with us.

Risk mitigation

Elevation will help us spot potential risks early. By analysing our client’s individual responses, we can address issues related to communication, or other critical aspects of their interactions with us.

Why we have chosen Elevation?

Proven expertise

Built on insights from over 250,000 clients and 12 years of experience, Elevation’s survey questions have been meticulously crafted to provide us with the most valuable feedback.

Client referrals

With the increased ability to ensure that our clients are satisfied with our service, we hope they will feel more comfortable in introducing us to others.

What happens next?

Actionable insights

Feedback doesn’t end with collection. We analyse it meticulously, identifying areas for improvement and celebrating what’s working well.

Client-centric enhancements: Based on our client’s input, we are better placed to implement changes that benefit them directly. Their voice shapes our decisions .

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Crowe Financial Planning UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) to provide independent financial advice.

The information set out in this publication is for information purposes only and is based on our understanding of legislation, whether proposed or in force, and market practice at the time of writing. It does not constitute advice to undertake a particular transaction. Appropriate professional advice should be taken on specific issues before any course of action is pursued. Any advice provided by a Crowe Consultant will follow only after consideration of all aspects of our internal advice guidance.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance, nor a reliable indicator of future results or performance. The value of investments, and the income or capital entitlement which may derive from them, if any, may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed; therefore, investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Trusts, Tax or Estate Planning.

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