The present document has been prepared by Crowe Portugal in order to provide general information for persons contemplating investing and / or moving to Portugal. In addition to background facts about Portugal, it includes relevant information about business operations and taxation matters. Unless noted otherwise, the information contained in this Guide, is believed to be accurate as of November 8, 2022. However, general publications of this nature cannot be used and are not intended to be used as a substitute for professional guidance specific to the reader´s particular circumstances. Crowe Global is ranked among the top 10 global accounting networks. Crowe Global is represented in Portugal with four legally separate and independent companies offering innovative solutions and supporting their clients in the areas of Audit, Tax, Advisory, Risk and Outsourcing. All Crowe Global member firms are driven by a single purpose – to help their clients to succeed in whatever markets they operate in.
Check the Portugal´s Doing Business Brochure here.
If you are interested in investing in a specific European country, please check all the available Doing Business Brochures here.