Imagem alusiva ao artigo As 10 principais ameaças à Cibersegurança para 2030

As 10 principais ameaças à Cibersegurança para 2030

Imagem alusiva ao artigo As 10 principais ameaças à Cibersegurança para 2030
A ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) prevê as ameaças de Cibersegurança para 2030.

De acordo com o seu relatório anual, a agência destaca as 10 principais: 
  • Supply Chain compromise of software dependencies;
  • Advanced disinformation campaigns;
  • Rise of digital surveillance authoritarism / loss of privacy;
  • Human error and exploited legacy systems within cyber-physical ecosystems;
  • Targeted attacks enhanced by smart smart device data;
  • Lack of analysis and control of space-based infrastructure and objects;
  • Rise of advanced hybrid threats;
  • Skill shortage;
  • Cross border ICT service providers as a single point of failure;
  • Artificial Intelligence abuse.
Cyber Threats 2030

*The “ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” study represents a comprehensive analysis and assessment of emerging cybersecurity threats projected for the year 2030. This collaborative endeavour, spearheaded by European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), has employed a structured and multidimensional methodology to assess, forecast, and prioritise potential threats. It was firstly published in 2022, and the current report is its second iteration which reassesses the previously identified top ten threats and respective trends whilst exploring the developments over the course of a year.