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Get your global alternative for tax services
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Is your business truly tax efficient?

Tax Compliance
 The quantum leap in regulatory pressure coupled with tightened corporate financial resources has made tax compliance a business-wise issue not just confined to the tax department.
 Wrong information carries a reputation risk. The possibility of a tax inquiry by the revenue authority is increased. The entity's reputation with its stakeholders may suffer tremendously. How do you minimize this risk while freeing time for you to pursue your higher - value creation initiatives?

We offer your entity the opportunity to keep a hold on costs and to concentrate on the efficient deployment of your economic resources in your higher - value addition endeavors.

You will benefit from our proven ability and knowledge in the planning of business ventures and how to optimize the use of allowed tax deductions to minimize your tax liability

We will cater for your requirements while offering you the possibility of discussing your tax affairs with an experienced member of our personnel.


In today's fast changing landscape entrepreneurs need to be informed about the implications of their business decisions in unfamiliar environment especially when they embark into the international arena. Taxation in this environment needs to be handled by knowledgeable people.

We are uniquely placed together with our global network to be the service provider of choice.

Tax issues of whatever degree of complexity are handled by knowledgeable experts who take great pride in the service they offer. Assured that they are in safe-hands our clients get on with what they are best at - growing their businesses.
Our Compliance and advisory services comprise:

  • Income Tax
  • Personal Tax
  • Corporate Tax
  • Planning and Advisory
  • Advance Ruling
  • Tax Computation and submission of returns
  • Handling objections and tax disputes

Value Added Tax 

  • International Tax : Structuring and planning involving Global Business Companies
  • Trust and Estate planning
  • Planning of cross-border transactions