Financial management performance

Financial management performance

How we can help

  • Close accounts in a more timely manner: the more frequently the consolidated accounts are produced, the shorter the time-scale. In effect, greater experience makes it possible to master the process, the tools and the data more quickly. Likewise, resolution of complex issues can be managed on an as and when basis, rather than all together upon closure;
  • More even distribution over time of the workload of the staff in charge of the production of consolidated accounts, be they in the subsidiaries, in central services and in all the business section management teams (N processes instead of 2);
  • Better management of financial communication: by limiting themselves to producing a single quarterly set of consolidated accounts, businesses leave themselves no leeway between closing and publishing the accounts. A mid-term internal process allows financial communication to be drafted ahead of time
  • Evaluation and simulation of new reporting methods
  • Design and reconfiguration of the new group procedures
  • Design of the new structure and the new governance
  • Deployment of the new parameters for the accounting and finance functions
  • Supporting change throughout the group’s financial structure
  • Allocation of resources in the new structure
  • Drafting organisational procedures and job descriptions