

Talking about the health

Petra Štogrová Jedličková

At the end of the year, people traditionally wish each other the best and, most importantly, good health. The current weather, apparently influenced by global climate changes, puts this desire even more at the forefront, as flu and other viruses are booming.

As we comment in one of our articles in this newsletter, employees' health affects the economic results of the businesses. However, what I am really concerned about is the economic health of our companies. Macroeconomic indicators and forecasts for the next year show signs of a slowdown in economic growth, while at the same time but the labor market remains tense: wage growth has increased by 9% this year, unemployment has nowhere to fall and employment slows down because of the lack of people on the labor market. The payroll costs will continue to cause a rise in minimum and guaranteed wages, the effects of which we are also commenting on in this newsletter. And what is the disease trigger? Most often it is a weak immunity in combination with stress, and this is exactly what happens to our economy!

Therefore, let's wish mainly the good health for the next year – and not just physical and mental!
