Certificate In Regulatory Compliance Specialist - RCS

Certificate In Regulatory Compliance Specialist - RCS

Certificate In Regulatory Compliance Specialist - RCS

This program will how manage correspondences with regulators, implement regulatory requirements, communicate with business lines to identify responsibilities, and prepare action plans, and conduct examinations and reporting. also explains the scope of the Compliance function compared to Internal Audit and Risk Management and provides you with the best practices regarding the location of the Compliance Department within the institution's organizational structure.

Course Overview

Course Objectives:

  • The International Context
  • Risk-Based Approach & Compliance Monitoring.
  • Compliance Policies.
  • Compliance Risk Assessment

Targeted Audience:

Regulatory Compliance in the banking industry, insurance & reinsurance companies, brokerage firms, leasing and microfinance companies, lending firms, exchange houses, and money services businesses, and Workers at (IT solution firms) who provide Regulatory Compliance systems.