Covid-19 Business Support

COVID-19 Business Support

Current situation raises a number of questions for international businesses but negative effects can be reduced or minimised by early preventive or corrective actions. 


Labour law
Basic income for self-employed
If monthly revenue of the company decreases comparing to previous months a grant is possible up to EUR 700
Pension and tax relief
Relief of pension contributions and 200 EUR of tax free bonus shall be paid to employees who work (from home)
Reimbursement of salaries
Reimbursement of salaries to employers for paying the salaries to employees in case they have to wait for work at home.
Deadlines extensions
Submission date for the annual tax returns under the Corporate Income Tax Act and the Personal Income Tax Act is extended


On May 15th the Government announced an end to the epidemic, since the spread of the virus is slowing down. The so called »Mega act« will expire on May 31st 2020.

Until then the Coronavirus stimulus package 2 is valid:

The National Assembly passed the second coronavirus stimulus package on 28.4.2020, which mainly consists of a 2 billion euro guarantee scheme for loans to companies. It also passed amendments to the first stimulus bill, worth over 3 billion euros, relaxing conditions and expanding the list of benefit recipients to 1.2 million.

Amendments to the ZIUZEOP:


Labour law

  1. A wider range of beneficiaries of the reimbursement of wages paid to workers whose employers are temporarily unable to provide them because of the epidemic. It also extends to employers engaged in financial and insurance activities.
  2. The same change applies to the self-employed; who get a basic income and have their social contributions covered as part of the aid package and will be available to humanitarian organisations and organisations representing the disabled, as well as small companies in the insurance and finance sectors.
  3. Reimbursement of social contributions
  4. Bonus for danger and special burdens for civil servants and private service providers is also provided to private social and health care providers operating within the public service network.


Social security and rights from public fund: 

  1. Compensation of salary due to the termination of an employment contract for business reasons for persons whose employment contract was terminated in the period from 13.3.2020 onwards.
  2. One-time solidarity bonus for recipients of pensions; solidarity allowance of € 150 for April for beneficiaries of parental allowance, childcare allowance, family helpers and foster parents;

Act on Providing Additional Liquidity to the Economy to Mitigate the Consequences of the COVID-19 Epidemic: Loans to micro companies and SMEs will be guaranteed for up to 80 per cent of the principal, and loans to large companies up to 70 per cent of the principal. Banks will get guarantees for loans with a maturity of five years issued between March 13th and December 31st 2020, and intended exclusively for financing the company's principal activity.

Exemption of rent to tenants of business buildings or business premises owned by the Republic of Slovenia or owned by self-governing local communities.

Contact Us

Neven Skrokov
Neven Škrokov