
Abdullah M. Al Azem

Managing Partner

Abdullah obtained the license to practice the Assurance and Business advisory Services in Saudi Arabia in 1997, and he is considered one of the premiere Saudi Nationals who were licensed to practice after the formation of the Saudi Organization of Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA). Abdullah worked for more than 17 years for one of the largest professional firms in the field of assurance, business advisory and consulting services whereby he gradually occupied positions up till he reached the Audit Manager post.

During his career path, Abdullah acquired vast and diversified experience in the audit of commercial companies, motor industry, manufacturing, oil and gas, financial institutions and banks, insurance, construction and contracting, hotels and tourism, hospitals, non for profit organizations, utilities and agricultural companies. Additionally, Abdullah handled several market and feasibility studies and companies' valuation and due diligence. Finally, Abdullah participated in consultancy works for companies' restructuring and the design and development of financial and accounting systems.

Abdullah graduated from King Saud University, with a bachelor in Accounting. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and a fellow member of the Illinois Certified Accountants. Also, Abdullah is a holder of Saudi fellowship certificate and a previous member of the training and continuous education committee for the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA).

Abdullah has attended many specialized training courses and seminars in auditing, accounting and business consulting in international centers such as USA, Holland and Saudi Arabia. Also, he participated as a trainer for several specialized courses in the Kingdom and abroad.