Assessment of prospectuses
We assess your investment offers in accordance with the so-called IDW S 4-Standard which means we not only help you to obtain insurance cover for your financial brokers but we also review your bids prior to submission to the BaFin.
Review of current accounts and performance statements in line with BSI
We examine the performance of your company in the past, which represents your business card in terms of product quality, and issue certifications.
Year-end audit for KVGs, investment funds and investment companies
We draw up or examine the annual financial statements of AIFM (KVG), AIF (funds) or investment companies.
Assessments (acquisition, ongoing assessments)
We carry out assessments based on the German income approach or discounted cash flow method, for both acquisitions and ongoing assessments.
Reviewing valuations (statements of net assets)
We are extensively involved in reviewing statements of net assets and investment valuations as defined by KAGB. We have developed efficient and effective methods for processing orders in this area where we combine our expertise in drawing up assessments, annual financial statements and reviews.
Consulting in preparing investment offers
We provide you with legal and tax support in preparing investment offers.
Reviewing information material according to WpHG (German securities trading law)
We examine your sales material for conformity to WpHG.
Compliance consulting for capital management companies
Our many years of experience in the area of internal control/steering and monitoring systems and the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX 404) offer us ideal conditions for consulting in capital management companies (e.g. stress tests, investment market risks, outsourcing management, liquidity management, risk and investment management).
Monitoring the application of funds
On the basis of our many years of expertise in this area, we continue to monitor the application of funds for investment companies by your associated company's payment and investment account.