

We offer you evaluation services for a wide range of valuation objects as well as for a variety of reasons, including the evaluation of a company or participations, appraisal of individual assets, drawing up of fairness opinions or evaluating non-tangible assets (“impairment tests”). Our consulting approach is integrated and sustainable, i.e. priority is given to your satisfaction and benefits.
Company valuation
Apart from statutory regulations or contractual bases demanding the generation of an appraisal report (e.g. within the framework of mergers, splits and spin-offs, squeeze-outs or conclusion of inter-company agreements pursuant to stock corporation law), evaluations can also be motivated by events such as the purchase or sale of companies, amalgamations or IPOs. The negotiating partners rarely share the same views on prices when transactions commence. When determining prices, what is decisive is clarity as to the factors of actual relevance to value and the extent to which they have an influence on the price. A company valuation is primarily based on a future-oriented analysis of the valuation object.

Our range of services
We offer you support in all matters regarding valuation issues. Our appraisal specialists avail of transaction experience in developing tailored proposed solutions for all types of evaluations based on their sound knowledge of the sector and product expertise taking consideration of the relevant requirements pertaining to tax and accounting.
Evaluation of individual assets
As a result of accounting or transaction-related events, it may be necessary to evaluate individual intangible and tangible assets or liabilities separately or subject them to an impairment test. Equally, the evaluation of individual assets is of relevance for validating the plausibility of purchase price allocations.

Our range of services
Our evaluation experts support you on such occasions in their capacity as external business management consultants or experts. We advise you on all evaluation tasks where evaluation is essentially dependent on the cash flows to be achieved.
Purchase price allocation
Purchase price allocation (PPA) is of key importance for accounting company transactions within the framework of both asset and share deals, and is typically carried out during the post-closing phase of a transaction. But even a so-called “pre-deal PPA” carried out within the framework of due diligence can help to accelerate financial integration and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Our range of services
We advise you during the entire process of purchase price allocation taking consideration of national and international accounting principles. Our range of consulting services comprises implementation of the indicative purchase price allocation (“pre-deal PPA”) ahead of an intended transaction as well as implementing the same in our capacity as advisors or neutral experts. Our team of experts also supports you in identifying and evaluating individual assets.
Inheritance and family law reviews

Company valuations due to proprietary disputes in family and inheritance law (see IDW ES 13) necessitate the consideration of particular factors arising from provisions of civil law concerning the respective legal relationships. In addition to determining an objective enterprise value in accordance with IDW S1, valuation processes under family and inheritance law require a transition to the claim for compensation taking consideration of the particular features of the respective legal relationship.

Our range of services
We also offer you support in evaluation matters under inheritance and family law. Our experienced appraisal specialists develop tailored proposed solutions for you based on their sound knowledge of the sector and product expertise taking consideration of the relevant requirements pertaining to tax and accounting.

Fairness opinion
A fairness opinion is a professional report on the financial appropriateness of a transaction price within the framework of an entrepreneurial initiative (see IDW S8) and serves in particular toward safeguarding and documenting fair transaction prices to avoid liability risks on the part of the management board and controlling bodies as well as reducing information asymmetries between management and shareholders. Areas of application include purchases and sales of companies and other assets through to the conclusion of lease contracts.

Our range of services
Thanks to many years of experience in evaluation and transactions, our team at Crowe Hamburg represents a competent and independent partner for drafting expressive fairness opinions which comply with the basic principles of governing fairness opinions laid out by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW S8).
Impairment testing
Within the framework of accounting in line with IFRS, goodwill (also referred to as the value of the company or business) and certain intangible assets with an indefinite useful life must be subjected to an impairment test at least once a year, either by the balance sheet date or on submission of so-called “triggering events”.

Our range of services
Our evaluation experts support you as required during process implementation, determining the relevant evaluation parameters and conducting the annual impairment test. Furthermore, possible risks can be played out in the form of scenario analyses and plausibility checks of the intrinsic plans.