
Managing Your Organization’s “Network” of Relationships


In the race to stay competitive, organizations are partnering with more third parties than ever. While the rewards may be compelling, identifying, quantifying, and mitigating the risk can be an overwhelming task. Crowe’s suite of third-party risk management services can assist your organization in optimizing its program, analyzing its portfolio of relationships, and assessing individual third parties to help minimize potential harm and maximize return.


Crowe provides solutions, technology, and ideas to make the most of your third-party risk management activities. Whether it’s supporting discrete assignments, augmenting staff, or performing a holistic assessment of your program, our experienced team of professionals can assist you in understanding and managing third-party risks. If the third parties you work with span the globe, our team can provide you with qualified resources overseas for third-party risk management activities.

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Nadeem Maniar
Partner, DIFC- Fraud and Forensic services