
New Mandatory Subscription Requirements for Participation in the National Health Insurance of Korea for Foreigners Effective from January 1, 2019


Effective from January 1, 2019, under Article 76-3 of the National Health Insurance Law of Korea, foreigners who have resided in Korea for 6 months and intend to continue residing in Korea beyond the first 6 month-period will be mandatorily subscribed for participation in the statutory National Health Insurance from the next day following the first 6-month period (183 days). Foreigners who hold D-2/F-6 visas, however, are required to participate in the statutory National Health Insurance from day 1 in Korea regardless of the length of their residence in Korea.

Subscription Procedure:

National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) processes the subscription/registration for participation in the National Health Insurance of foreigners concerned.

NHIS then sends Medical Insurance Card as well as the insurance bills to the foreigners concerned.

The insurance premium is calculated for each household according to income and property (if the calculated premium is below the average premium of all subscribers, the average premium will be imposed). The average premium in year 2019 is KRW 113,050 / month.